Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reasons for Land Constraint.

There are 2 main reasons for land constraint : Rising demand for land and limited supply of land.

Increasing demand for arable land.
To produce food to feed their increasing populations,countries have to look for more arable land . Arable land is land which is suitable for the growing of crops. However, arable land is in short supply. Over four-fifth of the Earth's land surface is unsuitable for growing crops as it either too hot, too cold, too dry or infertile.

Population growth.
As a result of rapid populatio groth in the last few decades, more land is for human activities. However, all areas have a carrying capacity, which is the maximum number of people that an are can support comfortablely without straining its supply of resources for future use.
As shown above, when the number of people increases, the available resources would have to be shared among more people, which adds pressure to the land.

Increasing demand for housing.
A growing population will lead to an increase in demand for housing. Thus, more land will have to be used to build houses for people. In Singapore, for example, new housing estates have been developed in areas like Punggol and Sengkang to meet the increasing demand for housing.

Growth of industries.
The need to provide jobs for a growing population is an important concern for countries worldwide. One way to do so is by developing more manufacturing industries and businesses.
For example, in Singapore, manufacturing industries currently take up over 10 percent of Singapore's total land area. To expand these industries, more land is needed.
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